Carbon Screened Power Cables

Carbon Screened Power cable is about the most and best costet effective upgrade you can get on a system. This very efficient cable is awards Outstanding Product at range has been developed to work as a system in order to get an audio system to operate at its best; and getting the power cabling and distribution right is right at the heart of this. We investigated in home set-ups, live theatre and recording studio to know how power and signal cables interact with equipment and how a cable set up can dramatically alter how realistic a system reproduces sound [click for more about this].

Carbon Screened Power Cables

In: 13 amp UK, Schuko (European), USA 3 pin, Australian 3 pin and Neutrik Powercon.
Out: 10 amp IEC , Neutrik Powercon.

UK List Prices:

  • 1.5m Carbon Screene Power Cords : £250
  • 2.0m Carbon Screene Power Cords : £300
  • 2.5m Carbon Screene Power Cords : £350
  • 3.0m Carbon Screene Power Cords : £400
  • 4.0m Carbon Screene Power Cords : £500
  • 5.0m Carbon Screene Power Cords : £600
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